It’s like sneaking a peek at your presents before Christmas. We were all huge fans of Half-Life 2 and anticipated modding for it, so we started early with the leak.

Basically it is a board dedicated to horsing around and discussing Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2 modding. Me and Hyperjag were members of a message board called Gabes Love Tub. Interview with Skidz, ex-leader of Obsidian Conflict: Fenix: During your days at Missing Information, when you and Hyperjag said that you wanted to do a co-op from the leak, and after receiving a negative reply for it, what did the rest of the team think? Obsidian Conflict was then created, heavily using code from Missing Information, such as NPCs from the playable Half-Life 2 Beta. The rest of the team had little interest in the idea and the team split. Originally, a co-op version was planned for Missing Information, but some team members decided it would be best to create a separate mod from Missing Information, which could be released sooner. Obsidian Conflict was created during the development of another mod, Missing Information. The idea behind Obsidian Conflict was to bring forth fans of cooperative gameplay to create a community where fans of that kind of gameplay could create maps and share them into the mod. All of this lead me to start this website and this mod, hoping that I and the team could bring the great Coop experience of Sven co-op to the Half-Life 2 engine. I remember waiting for They Hunger coop and not receiving anything so I was starting to believe that the Half-Life 2 version of the mod wasn't going to surface in the near future. After watching for progress on Sven co-op 2, I realized that all we were getting was Half-Life 1 information. The idea of custom models, sound scripts, and NPCs was included in Sven co-op for Half-Life 1 but something like this has not been done on Half-Life 2. After weeks of working through a number of bugs and adding features we decided to start over with Obsidian and build something that was like Sven co-op. Before this, me and Hyperjag had started a Private Coop mod based on Missing Information's Code.